Friday, February 23, 2007

I'm Baaaack

My last blog is dated October 24. I guess that is when the impact of the transition from Santa Margarita to Huntington Beach and from pastoring a church for 16 years to being a part-time interim pastor and part-time District staff member took its toll.

Since October I've 1) learned to make minor changes to a website, 2) learned how much I miss preaching regularly, 3) had a daughter get married, 4) become a frequent flyer on USAirways, and 5) realized how much I appreciate routine.

Today is one of my required monthly PRD's. PRD is a TLA (three letter acronym) for Personal Reflection Day. This is a day on which I unplug from my District role and spend extended time with my real Boss. At the end of the day, I am asked to reflect on what I've heard from the Boss as it relates to my ministry with EFCAWest. Today I was reminded of the importance of something Eugene Peterson writes in his book, "Under the Unpredictable Plant". "[It is] critically important to pay more attention to what God does than what I do, and to find daily, weekly, yearly rhythms that...get that awareness into my bones."

So for those of you who know me, here's two things you can hold me accountable to: 1) Take a half day every Friday to read and pray and blog and 2) to take my PRD during the last week of each month. These two disciplines will help put the rhythm back in my life.