Monday, January 25, 2010

Discerning God's Will

I'm one of those who believes that, generally speaking, "if it isn't sin, it's an option".  That is, God's will for His children is much broader than some would assume.  It seems from Scripture that God is far more interested in who you are than where you are, for instance.  He is far more involved in developing your character than your career.  He's far more concerned about the kind of spouse you are than who you chose for a spouse.  God's will is our salvation, our sanctification, and that we keep in step with His Spirit.  All the rest of our decisions should reflect the reality of these larger realities.  Proverbs calls it the way of wisdom--factoring in God's existence and our relationship with Him into all we choose to do.  There is great freedom in this.  And, as a corollary, there is great responsibility.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Getting Ready

Sometime in the next few weeks my first grandbaby will arrive.  I've had about 36 weeks to prepare, but most of it has been happening these last few weeks.  We've been sorting through the toys that we saved from our own kids (which we used when company came with small children) and setting aside those which she will play with first.  We've even hung the Noah's-Ark-cloth-bath-toy bag on a hook in the bathroom in preparation of some crazy fun.  We discovered the windup turtle's legs still rotate, propelling him around the tub.  I was saddened that the clam still had his shell, but not the soft inner clam that shoots water into baby's faces.  (Where does one go to find replacement parts for cheap bath toys?)  This is going to be fun.  Raya will, no doubt, be the a topic of many conversations since she will, of course, be above average in beauty, intelligence and talent.

So, for both of you who read this blog, be prepared for stories about my amazing grandbaby compared to whom all other grandbabies will pale in comparison.

Monday, January 04, 2010


I had my birthday again a few days ago.  It comes every year whether I'm ready or not.  I enjoyed the time with family and friends.  I received a number of iTunes gift cards.  What surprised me a bit is what I purchased.  Crosby, Stills and Nash (C, S & N), Cat Stevens (Tea for the Tillerman, Teaser and the Firecat), Simon and Garfunkel (Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme), Gordon Lightfoot (The United Artists collection) , and Carole King (Tapestry, of course).  I guess I was in a mood to hear music that is connected to a much earlier season in my life.  Every album I downloaded is one that I had previously owned on vinyl.  (I think I also had Tapestry on 8 track).  

I have no doubt that I'll play these mostly when I'm on one of my road trips.  I'll leave it to others to figure out the "why".  In the meantime I'll enjoy the music.