Monday, July 28, 2008

Do Your Children a Favor

My parents are reaching their 80’s and considering how to slow down gracefully. Part of that decision is whether to remodel the house they’ve lived in since they were married 60 years ago or to move into a smaller place that automatically requires less upkeep. They are finding it difficult to decide. One evening Sharon and I sat with them and talked through options. I had to be quite directive (wearing my interim pastor hat which allows me to cut to the chase) with them regarding all the stuff in their garage and in their basement. I told them that whether they stay where they are or move somewhere else, they have to tackle the garage and the basement. For the sake of their three children, they need to downsize their stuff by giving it away or throwing it away. They need to make decisions about their stuff while they still have decisions to make. The reality is that if they wait until they are unable to go through their own stuff (sometime in the next 20 years), my siblings and I will order a dumpster and simply fill it to the brim with their things.

For those of you who have been acquiring stuff over the years, don’t wait until your kids are sitting in the living room with you appealing to you to get started. Start offloading now. There is a great freedom in lightening your load. And your children will thank you.

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