Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 24

I've lost 8 pounds (and regained 3 on my recent road trip) and, yes, there are some ab muscles beneath the flab.  I'm not where I fantasized I'd be, but I am more flexible, more toned and more exhausted than I was on Day 1.  So, I guess it goes to show.  If you stick with a discipline, it will make a difference eventually.  And, in case you missed the spiritual analogy, whatever time I spend developing my relationship with God Almighty is not wasted time.  It does make a difference.  

Oh, and by the way, I'm looking forward to Day 30 so that the day after I can go back to sitting around on the couch eating bon bons.  Or as a friend said, "The only exercise I get is raising the spoon of ice cream to my mouth while watching "The Biggest Loser."

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