Thursday, March 19, 2009


This is the part where I admit that I am getting up at 5:30 (ish) each morning to work out with my wife for 20 minutes using Jillian Michaels' "30 Day Shred." My complaint is that this morning was Day 13. Those who know me know how weak my math skills are, but even I can figure out that's almost half way through the 30 days and more than 1/3 of the way through the 30 days. Here's my question: Why are my abs not almost half, or at least somewhat more than 1/3, of the way toward looking like the pictures on the advertising? I mean, seriously, I spent $9 for this video. I expect results. I'm giving up sleep. I'm cutting back on dessert. I was so sore on the second day that I couldn't raise my arms in church without serious pain.

What's the point of doing this if I don't see immediate results? I'm an American. In fact, I'm an American Christian. In fact, I'm an American Evangelical Christian. We don't do "long view." We do 4 spiritual laws (Did you ever wonder if there might be 5?). We do "How to have a happy and meaningful life." We do "7 Keys to Improving Your Life Everyday."

Wait! Maybe it's not about getting quick results. Maybe it's about the process as much as the product. Maybe those ripped abs that are hiding behind my still-too-large belly are working their way out where I can see them, but it's going to take far more than 30 mornings because of all the years of NOT exercising. Maybe those 20 minute "devotions" really do make a difference over the long haul. Maybe I've spent so much of my time not exercising my relationship with God that it will take far more time to get "in shape". In fact, maybe it's a life-long process of daily "working out my salvation" that gets me in shape and helps keep me there. Maybe this life of faith is a marathon (or at least a half marathon) instead of a sprint. Maybe I can't ignore my spiritual life for long periods and then expect to do a 30 day Bible study (or even 40 days of Purpose) and see dramatic results.



Anonymous said...

You're funny Paul (and profound too!)

As part of a sermon on "worry" last weekend in southern California, the pastor mentioned a t-shirt that read something like "I eat healthy. I exercise regularly. I'm going to die anyway. Why worry?"

Paul Schliep said...
