Monday, December 30, 2013


The last couple days of December I’m usually setting up my file folders for receipts for the next year, choosing my Bible reading plan, updating my Excel spreadsheet for monitoring my work hours, and all those other things we “J’s” do (think Meyers-Briggs) to prepare for the new year. 

In my app, Remember the Milk, I was changing the daily recurring task, Bible reading, to Bible reading/Journaling when RTM pointed out with a very large, impressive dialogue box that I had completed 3,267 tasks in 2013.  And that’s just the ones I entered into RTM.  Plus I have a few on my list to do tomorrow.  That works out to about 272 tasks per month, 63 tasks per year or 9 tasks per day.  Doesn’t seem like many, but at least I finished them.

I don’t know quite what to think about those 3,267 tasks.  Some are weekly recurring tasks like taking out the cans to the street for pick up, backing up the hard drive or mowing the lawn.  Some are daily recurring tasks like Bible reading, scooping the back yard or reporting on Yammer.  Some are monthly meetings with Fana and Alan.  Many are one-time tasks, both personal and professional.  And then there are all those tasks that get done but never make it to the RTM list.

But it does raise the question, “If I’m going to be busy (and I am), what am I going to be busy about?”  There are no real do-overs in life.  We get one shot at every moment of time.  This is a good time of year to consider again how we’re spending our time.  As I have often mentioned, only three things last forever:  God, God’s Word (the Bible) and the souls of people.  It seems like those are three great places to spend the majority of my time.

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