Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Different, not wrong

As we drive along on the left side of the road here in Thailand I have to remind myself it is different, not wrong.  When I see the ducks hanging in the shop windows I have to remind myself it is different, not wrong.  When they measure things in liters and kilometers I have to remind myself it is different, not wrong.

There are many things in life that are different, not wrong.  As followers of Jesus, let's make sure when we're disturbed by choices or behaviors in ourselves and others that we're disturbed because it is wrong, not different.  How easily we equate our cultural preferences for moral standards.  Let's make sure that our values are informed by scripture, not culture.  Cultures are full of differences that are not issues of morality, of right and wrong.  They are simply issues of preference.  Let the foundation of our lives be "where stands it written?"

There are things that are truly right and wrong based on the character of God and His design for humans, created in His image.  But there are also myriads of things that are simply different, not wrong.  Let's make sure we work at discerning the difference.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great truth. And we may well be the ones that are "different." Only to be right with God!